Tuesday, October 2, 2012

The Impact of HTML5 Development on the Web and Microsoft's Role ...

HTML5 has always meant different things for all types of people. It might mean something for web development professionals related to new tags and some new attributes. For others, it spells out something new and interesting which they are not yet sure. Understanding HTML5 is actually the biggest roadblock most of us encounter.

The number of varying definitions for HTML5 is justified too since it is actually huge and has major implications in the web development arena! It is formally defined by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)to contain more than 100 specifications which define web technologies of the future. That means that the moniker HTML5 represents 100 things which help in developing the web for the future. The W3C has been trying to simplify the enormity of the changes with a simple moniker and a unifying concept to refer to that change.

HTML5 is actually an umbrella term which encompasses HTML, CSS and JavaScript and their latest specifications which would help developers in the near future to create the latest websites and applications. Its three parts: HTML, CSS and JavaScript are notable enough with their attributes which hint at improved markup and rich capabilities. The new JavaScript APIs are all set to make optimum use of the web.

HTML5 has introduced various notable changes to HTML, CSS and JavaScript and the 100-plus specifications describe the enhancements done in HTML5. A complete definition of HTML5 would not matter but the enhanced technologies would prove to be worthy of the developers' time and effort.

HTML5 includes specifications set down by the W3C. The W3C has long been the institution which defined the future of technology and is in reality, a consensus-based organization which operates through committees which divide work among themselves related to specifications. All specifications go through the huge five-stage process which ranges from the first draft to the last official recommendation for the specification to be included.

Microsoft, along with other members of the group, is a member of the W3C and has been an integral part of proposing HTML5 standards and shares interest with similar groups. The company is hugely interested in the standard since developers rely on HTML5 technologies to be well implemented on major browsers for the latest standard to be a success.

Microsoft believes that it should cash it on with HTML5 and its capabilities with a four-pronged approach:
Deliver the best HTML5 through its latest browser Internet Explorer 9
Introduce upcoming features through IE's Platform Previews
Invest heavily in interoperability in multiple platforms through varied tests which are communicated to the W3C
All other unstable standards to be prototyped through HTML5 labs

Microsoft uses HTML5 technologies in compatible sites which are often said to be "site-ready HTML" because the standard has broad support across nearly all browsers. It has tried out new technologies including new HTML tags, the Canvas tag, scalable and beautiful vector graphics, good quality audio and video, geolocation apps, cloud storage and a plethora of CSS3 modules. The features also boast of similar attributes are in IE9, and other popular browsers including Apple Safari, and Mozilla Firefox.

Elan Technologies a web and mobile app development company have experienced team of developers who provide mobile apps development, HTML5 App Development, web development, mobile enterprise application development.


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Source: http://www.trcb.com/computers-and-technology/software-development/the-impact-of-html5-development-on-the-web-and-microsofts-role-78832.htm

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