Monday, October 29, 2012

5 Engagement Tips You Should Just Ignore ? Feminspire

When I got engaged, I started where a lot of ladies do ? the internet. I went onto TheKnot to have a look around at some general advice and ideas, but found myself eye rolling and laughing to myself all over the place (and I don?t mean this to sound like I?m just bashing TheKnot, as they have tons of helpful information). One of the popular articles, ?Ten Things No One Tells You About Getting Engaged? offered all sorts of Big Time Truths, such as ?you will have a big zit on the day he proposes?, ?make sure you always have a manicure?, ?write down your proposal story on your wedding website so you don?t have to keep repeating it to friends and family? and ?how different your relationship will feel?. I don?t want to say that none of this is true because every relationship and engagement is individual and personal, but being concerned about a zit on your face on the day you are proposed to hardly seems like it needs to be number one on any list of concerns. Here are my opinions on a few of the ?truths?.

You will have a big zit on the day he proposes

Unless you are one of the few people who?s life lives out like a perfect Polaroid from a Mormon mommy blog (seriously though, who?s life is that beautiful?), your proposal will probably not be The Most Beautiful Moment aesthetically. You will probably realize you didn?t shave that day (or month) or you are wearing period underwear and yeah, you probably have a zit on your chin. Guess what? No one cares. Your partner won?t care, you won?t care, and if you are thrilled to be getting engaged, it will be awesome and wonderful regardless.

Make sure you always have a manicure

Pretty hands and nails are great, but if you have never had a manicure in your life or work with your hands and have a hard time keeping your cuticles flawless, that?s fine. I feel like this is the sort of advice that just makes women feel bad about themselves if they aren?t perfect. It is true that people will ask to see your hand, which is also annoying, but they are probably going to be concerned with your ring, not with the damn hangnail you can?t seem to get rid of on your thumb. If anyone takes issue with your nails not being the perfect shade of pale pink at all times, I think it?s okay to pull out the finger next to your ring.

Write down your proposal story and send friends and family the link so that they can get the full details

This isn?t a bad idea by any means, but you probably won?t have a wedding website up for at least a few months (if at all) and people are still going to ask you. If you get tired of telling it, just say that it was personal and you would prefer not to share it. Or you can say it was during sex and make them uncomfortable.

Don?t feel bad about sitting through and enjoying a TLC wedding special or two.

(continued) This is one of those guilty wedding pleasures that you?re totally allowed to indulge in while you?re engaged.

Wait, was I not allowed to do this before I was engaged? Because even when I wasn?t interested in marriage I still sometimes found myself emerging from a five hour marathon of Say Yes to the Dress with an empty pizza box in front of me and no idea how it became midnight on a Saturday night. There is absolutely no reason to feel weird or guilty ?indulging? in wedding shows and movies when you are single, engaged, married, dead, whatever, most of us have done it and will do it again.

Your relationship will feel different even if you?ve been living together for years

This is another one of those blanket statements that bugs me. However your relationship feels after getting engaged is fine, even if it feels the same. You may feel like you have reached a deeper, more intimate level with your partner, which is great, but you may also feel like nothing has changed and that is totally normal. Many couples go into engagements having already known, planned or expected it for months, which means you have probably already committed to them on that level and nothing will change.

Basically, you shouldn?t let anyone tell you how to feel after getting engaged (including me). Some have been dreaming of it since they were kids and others never even considered it, so expecting to feel exactly the same as the next person is absurd. People will have opinions on EVERYTHING, and aren?t shy about hiding their judgment. I cannot tell you how many times I heard ?so when are you going to get engaged/married?? and then when I actually was, all I heard was ?oh, but you are so young!? Then when you get married all you hear is ?when are you having a baby?!?, but that is a totally different article and at any point I think it is okay to look people straight in their face and say ?none of your damn business.?

Written by Sarah Pires
Follow her blog, Adventurously!


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1 comment:

  1. It is a useful five engagement tips for engagement people to planning their wedding. These tips to keep in mind when planning the wedding. The wedding planning people need the assistant like a wedding app for a successful wedding.
