Saturday, April 13, 2013

Teach your kids to hear the voice of God through everyday things ...

voice of GodEveryday things and events are great opportunities for you to teach your children how to hear the voice of God, see Him at work, and recognize His presence in their lives.

It?s vital that you do this for your children, because they need to see that God is personal to them, just like He is to you. (He IS personal to you, isn?t He?)

Brainstorm with me for a minute? what are some everyday things you can utilize to point out God?s work and presence to your children?

  • a sunset?
  • a baby?s cry?
  • the ocean?
  • a clear blue sky?
  • the new puppy?
  • a snowstorm?

If you simply take the time to look, and to remind yourself that every good gift comes from God (James 1:17), you?ll begin to notice Him at work all around you? and you can teach your children to look for it too.

Here?s quick tip video that I shot a few mornings back, in the midst of a spring snowstorm outside our front door. It was a great opportunity to couple the truth of scripture with the reality of life? and to use it as a lesson for myself and the kids.

Use it as an idea? to help spark your creativity, to open your eyes to the wonders and work of God all around you.

He is speaking. The voice of God is not hard to hear.

You just have to know how to listen.


About Carey Green

radical follower of Christ, husband, dad, writer, blogger, podcaster, marriage & family coach, counselor, speaker, retiring Pastor, and all around good guy (because of Christ). Connect with Carey on Google+


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